Tentative steps forward, feet shifting to adjust as the heavy wings test the wind. I watched the hang glider with bated breath. Was he going to take off and soar out over the vast expanse of the deep blue ocean below that cliff?
I expected a quick run and expert lift off as I stood back observing. Then realised it was a training session. The instructor stood right at the edge of the drop off, carefully monitoring every breath of wind, coaching, encouraging and cautioning the learner flyer. A few tense attempts.
His feet actually did get airborne once or twice but scrambled back to earth after barely
leaving the ground. His upper body certainly looked capable but it took every ounce of strength to control those big wings. It looked awkward and clumsy but I knew once airborne, hang gliding seemed effortless.
The pair backed away from the edge and the coach helped unclip the harness and talked the student through the manoeuvres as they packed up the cumbersome contraption.
Another time.
It’s all progress. Experience. Learning.
The conditions were not ideal. The timing wasn’t right. He wasn’t ready yet.

Our creative journey is similar. We want to fly, but first we have to take those important foundational steps. To launch early can be costly, even dangerous to our dreams.
Too much too soon and we can crash land, our ideas shattered and hearts bruised.
We need to invest, work, build up our skills and establish a good foundation. We need a lot of practice. Simply showing up and going through the motions some days.
Inspiration is as fleeting as a good breeze.
It comes in its own time.
Opportunities and open doors are like that. When the time is just right, we simply step into and through the other side. It is amazing to experience that flow and favour.
True, heartfelt success feels miraculous.
Exciting, yet peaceful.
Meanwhile, get ready. Prepare. Keep showing up. Keep practising. Keep stepping forward. And trust. Trust the process and trust your Coach.
You’ll soar at just the right moment and it will seem effortless.