Tuesday, May 30, 2017

sit still

It seems surreal to sit still this morning.
As I prepare to share my stories with a roomful of younger mummies in the thick of babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, middle úns and teens, it does not seem so long since I was in such an intense season of motherhood.
I sip hot tea in the quiet and almost want to pinch myself.
How can this be? I am a mother of eight children!
All those years of clamour and being needed and woken by little ones, thinking it would never end. Now it is such a contrast. My youngest two are older and often sleep in. I let them. Our days tend to be longer at the other end.
I savour and soak in the morning peace.
 I have grandbabies to cuddle now, but not in the middle of the night.
I want to reassure these dear mums that "this too shall pass". Not with a trite platitude, but to encourage them to embrace this season and make the most of any moment to sit still. Not to fill up the cracks of time with distracted busyness, but to stop and notice the joy of today. Even while folding endless washing. Even if it is at four oçlock in the morning. It can be a gift to have that opportunity to relish the calm in the house and (sleepily) gaze into the face of this precious baby in your arms.There is always much to be thankful for. 
I don't miss those years. I treasure them. I loved the crazy, full days. Draining every ounce of energy, but fulfilled in believing that pouring into my family mattered.
I want to cheer mothers on. It is so worthwhile to love our precious little ones through a beautiful childhood. Giving each child a solid foundation. A springboard for the adventure of their lives.

"Home is where your story begins" 
Annie Danielson


 The golden autumn light has been exquisite this week.

The morning shimmers with a gentle glow through the mist until the sunlight shines everything awake. The soundtrack of whipbirds echoes their cracking calls around the hedges enclosing the secret garden.

It is quite balmy and still. 
Such a surprise for this time of year. It will be June in a handful of days. Even though it doesn't feel quite normal, I am relishing the reprieve of mild weather before the chill of winter bites. and happily venture outside in the not-too-fresh air to explore what is new in the garden today.
The fountain gently trickles a cheery greeting.

After a southern sojourn, I embrace here with renewed appreciation. tuned in to the positives and notice all the blessings right under my nose with fresh eyes.
Home. I am re-anchored where my heart belongs.
It takes going away to come back. Wholeheartedly. My heart is prone to wander. I inherited a restless nature that ebbs and flows. It is a relief to satisfy that pull away and gently return like a homing pigeon.
To dig back into my own backyard content to settle again.